Resource 1: Kindly click on the creative to listen to the podcast - an interaction followed by an abridged version of Yoga Nidra that would be useful to understand and manage stress.

This pioneering work was thought out by Sri Brij Sethi which turned out to be an elixir to many during the pandemic and continues to help people post pandemic too.

Sri Brij mentions, "Pandemic stress can continue to build up and hurt you. So too endless screen time. In this episode, Krishna Prakash walks us through a demo of Yoga Nidra. You should try it out and see if it works for you."

Resource 2: Tapping Grace through Yoga Nidra

This talk was part of a 24 hours of continuous stream of sessions on the day of Winter Solstice (2020) by various Masters & Teachers, organized by Heart Soulutions.

Krishna presented the way to tap grace through Yoga Nidra.

Resource 3: The talk given on the eve of International Day of Yoga in 2022 at the behest of the Government of India supported Indian Yoga Association.

Note: The practice session is embedded from the Resource 3.

Resource 4: An introduction to the roots of Yoga Nidra, the blog published Dr Otto Stricker founded

Resource 5: Kindly feel free to experience the ancient technique of Yoga Nidra (Level 2) instructed by Smrithi Krishna, Co-founder of Shrimath Yoga.